Banking Accross Borders
Whether you’re transferring money to or from abroad, changing currencies online or need to pick up cash in another currency, we are here to help.
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Use our currency converter
Convert Romanian Lei into foreign currency and vice versa with our handy
currency converter.
Outgoing Payments
Raiffesein Bank is the bank with most territory extension in Albania and Central & Eastern Europe. Bank Clients have the possibility to transfer their money to beneficiaries which have accounts outside the bank. Outgoing payments can be done through digital platform “Raiffeisen ON” or at banks’s branch
- With every other bank
- With an account at RB Kosovo
Choose the banking package that best fits your needs
To join Raiffeisen, you need to apply for a banking package. Start the application process and choose the one that best fits your financial needs.
Prepare your identity document
Prepare your identity card or your passport to
verify your identity.
Fill in the online form
Fill in your personal information and contact details.
Verify your ID
Take a photo of yourself with your ID and have a video call with an operator to validate the authenticity of your identity.
Sign the contract online
Sign your documents electronically through our secure e-signature system and start using your account straight away. Your card will arrive at your home within 10 working days.
Online banking and card
Within 2 days, we will set up your e-banking access and send you your login data as well as your debit card by post.

Favorable rates for Smart Mobile users
As a Smart Mobile user, you benefit from the favorable BNR exchange rate, from Monday to Friday between 10am and 11am.y to or from abroad, changing currencies online or need to pick up cash in another currency, we are here to help.